Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Welcome to the Child Care Network of Greater Kansas City. The creation of this organization has been formulating within me for many years, and now the time is right.

CCNofGKC is aiming to fill a void in the child care community - the ability to connect with one another. While we have wonderful trainings and resources in the area, we need to be able to connect with one another and discuss immediately:

  • How do YOU do it?
  • What am I missing here?
  • How would you handle this?
  • Is this normal?
  • I'm stressed, and need another perspective.
  • Help! I need my fire extinguisher checked! 

Long hours, high stress, low pay, and often segregation for home providers makes this a difficult career. Family providers often enter it with little experience in either raising children or operating a business. However, there is a vast amount of untapped expertise available from experienced providers.

A large amount of new providers leave within the first year. While we lose some potentially wonderful providers, even more worrisome is that the majority leave within 5 years, often just as they gain the experience to be exceptional providers. Some centers have a turn over rate of over 30% annually, causing stress on the management, staff and children. Only 12% of centers are accredited, and only 1% of home businesses. Trying to find quality infant care is the bane of every new mother's maternity leave, causing even more sleepless nights. If universal quality care for children is to be achieved, these statistics need to be drastically improved. With the increasing demands of new regulations and training initiatives, the expectations on providers will only increase. The stress on providers, will only increase. 

As a group, child care providers are noted for their caring attitude. During trainings, I have carefully observed how providers continuously step up to support, encourage and mentor those asking questions, expressing concerns, or showing frustration. It is innate within us to want to help. CCNofGKC is a platform for providers to make those connections that will hopefully assist new providers in ramping up, and experienced providers from abandoning the industry due to burn out.

Watching and assisting new human beings learn by the second is a noble profession in which all providers should take pride.

There are many organizations out there that advocate for the children, which we support fully. CCNofGKC aims to be an advocate for the child care provider. This organization is FOR YOU. Your comments and suggestions will be taken to heart, so please feel free to express yourself. 

Your voice is important. 
It will be heard.
