Greetings! I hope that you are having a great start to 2013.
I'm sending some information regarding the Kansas Children's Service League's eLearning program which provides online training opportunities for Kansas child care professionals licensed or seeking a license through KDHE.
Online classes are scheduled for early childhood professionals needing inservice hours, CEU credits, or college credits. Below are the available classes for January and February (currently enrollments are open for January through June classes).
We started a round of classes today, but take enrollments through Day 3 (which is Friday, January 11th).
January 2013 Classes Available:
· Child Abuse and Neglect: Recognizing, Responding and Reporting (January 9 – 22): 2 week, 10 hour course
· Strengthening Families by Understanding Risk and Protective Factors (January 9 – 22): 2 week, 10 hour course
· Preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome (January 9 – 22): 2 week, 5 hour course
· Family Child Care Business Practices (January 9 – 29): 3 week, 15 hour course
February 2013 Classes Available:
· Child Abuse and Neglect: Recognizing, Responding and Reporting (February 6 – 26): 3 week, 15 hour course
· Learning and Teaching Through Multiple Intelligences (February 6 – 26): 3 week, 15 hour course
· Cultural Competency for Working with Children and Families (February 6 – 26): 3 week, 15 hour course
· Childhood Obesity and Good Nutrition (February 6 – 26): 3 week, 15 hour course
· Caring for Children with Special Needs (February 6 – 26): 3 week, 15 hour course
The Child Abuse courses offered each month include information on abusive head trauma and shaken baby syndrome and meet the licensing requirements per KDHE. For detailed schedules, course descriptions, costs, or other questions, please visit our website at
Please note that it is strongly recommended that participants do not enroll in more than two courses in a single month.
Yes... we meet Kansas state licensing training requirements for child care professionals. All of our instructor-led courses are approved for KDHE child care licensing hours.
Yes... we meet CEU needs. All of our courses are approved for early childhood.
There's something for everyone! eLearning has eleven different course topics that provide training and information in all eight CDA and Core Competency Topic areas.
How it works:
· eLearning courses are offered in an online environment for child care professionals in the state of Kansas. These online courses provide KDHE approved in-service hours for licensed home or center based child care providers and early care and education professionals, as well as optional CEU or college credit.
· You choose when and where you participate in a class - it's entirely up to your own schedule. Your course has a schedule, but there are no scheduled times that you must attend a "live" class. Instead, coursework and discussions all take place at your convenience through the online environment, during the period of time the course is offered.
· All eLearning courses are instructor-led. That means that you'll have someone communicating with you regularly about the course topic, leading the discussions, and be available should you have any questions. You won't be left to "figure it out" on your own. Not only will you have interaction from your instructor, but you'll also experience "conversations" from your peers in the class through the discussion boards.
The KCSL eLearning program has been offering online courses for ten years. We've now entered our 11th year, and are looking forward to adding more courses, "meeting" new professionals through our trainings, and continuing to provide a high-quality, instructor-led training system that benefits Kansas professionals in the field of early childhood.
Rachelle Hernandez